Cycling trips
Neveklov is situated on the famous cycling trail Greenways Prague-Vienna.
Cycling trail not only for those who are in love or Let’s go to Darling, darling! (about 20 km)
On a hill called Drahoušek (Darling) a lookout tower of the same name is located. It offers lovely views of the beautiful Neveklov and Sedlčany areas.
The route: from Neveklov take the road in direction of Sedlčany past a church – keep to the left both at the chapel and at the crossroads by the linden tree out of the town – Spolí – Vlkonice – Křečovice – shortly before reaching Osečany turn left at the chapel, the road will take you to the lookout tower
Romantic chateaux parks
You can take a 93 km long cycling trail called Romantic chateaux parks (through the chateaux of Konopiště, Jemniště, Vlašim and Vrchotovy Janovice)
In search of adrenaline to Týnec nad Sázavou (cca 15 km)
In Týnec you can visit a climbing center or rent a boat and sail the most beautiful part of the Sázava river (all in Bisport).
The route: follow Greenways with an option to turn right halfway to the Favory stud farm in Benice with Kladruby horses and other animals in the minizoo and where you can refresh yourself in a restaurant.
In search of culture to the chateau in Jablonné nad Vltavou (cca 15 km)
Taking less frequented roads you can get to the newly reconstructed chateau in Jablonné with a beautiful park which can be visited.
The route: following Greenways in direction of Týnec – after the first crossroads behind Tloskov turn left to Jablonná – then straight on – Heroutice stud farm – Netluky – Jablonná - back at the crossroads behind Jablonná turn right towards Stranný – Kelce – Bělice (keep to the left, do not digress) – at the crossroads turn left again – Stranný – the main road to Neveklov
To the beautiful chateau of Sidonie Nádherná (cca 20 km)
Nearby Neveklov, in Vrchotovy Janovice is situated a beautiful chateau whose last owner was Sidonie Nádherná. The chateau exhibition is dedicated to the 19th century life of nobility and to bellfounding. The chateau is surrounded by a beautiful landscape park.
The route: from Neveklov following Greenways direction Sedlčany – Vráce – after Hodětice turn left and then right to the village of Sedlečko – turn right in Šebáňovice – Strnadice – Maršovice – before turning to Zderadice you can visit the ruins of Stejc castle (green trail) – continue to Mstětice – Záhoří – Neveklov
To the mysterious ruins of Kožlí castle (cca 15 km)
A mysterious castle of highwaymen – Kožlí - has been standing since ancient times near Janovický stream. Not far from it is a lovely wooden chapel and a working water mill – all this in a god-forsaken region along a stream with clear water and crayfish.
The route: from Neveklov direction Tisem – Tisem – serpentines – then turn left and follow the left road until you reach ruins – ford – turn right – mill – reach a road where you turn left – go up to Přibyšice and keep to the right and don’t digress down – then take the main road to Neveklov